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Where do you need to soak your feet to get a better soaking effect?

In our knowledge

Soak feet generally as long as the water to the position of the ankle is enough

So most people use a regular foot massage tub

But actually if we want to get a better soaking effect

The water level is best about four fingers above the ankles


It's about four fingers above the ankle

There is a very important acupoint for the human body: Sanyinjiao point

This point is the junction of the meridians of the liver, spleen and kidney

Usually if you often massage this point

Can play the role of invigorating the spleen and protecting the liver, invigorating the kidney and replenishing the blood


For girls

It can also improve the problem of irregular menstruation to some extent

Soak your feet if you can reach this point

The warming and nourishing effect on the body will also be more obvious

Can be said to be an important point of recuperation and health care

If we want to get to this point

How to choose the foot soaking bucket?

At present, the foot soaking bucket on the market is generally not up to this requirement

Most buckets are about 30cm high

Subtract the height of the bottom of the barrel and the positions occupied by the heating components inside

Add in our feet and the empty space at the bottom of the barrel

It's probably barely up to your ankles

This is for friends who want to soak into the three Yin Jiao point

The depth of the ordinary foot soak bucket is far from enough


If you really want to soak the Sanyinjiao point

It is necessary to choose the high - depth foot bucket on the market

The height of this kind of foot soaking bucket is generally about 45cm

For example, the KASJ 1619 and Z201 foam bucket

Even if you subtract the other factors

The space inside the barrel can still reach a height of more than 28cm

Plus the surfing function that comes with the foot soaking bucket

Can easily soak to the Sanyinjiao point

Post time: Jan-02-2023