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Guide to the selection of medicinal materials for soaking feet


Every autumn and winter

My mother always talks about the benefit of soaking feet

Especially foot bath with hot water

It is good for removing cold and dampness

The whole body warm up after soaking

But I've been soak feet for so many years

Found that there are no addition advantage except warm body

I believe that many friends have the same feeling as me

So I searched a lot of information online

Finally found out the truth of bath feet

That's we need to add some "ingredients" to the water

If you don't put some Chinese medicine

It is equivalent to not putting tea bags when making tea

Although it's good for your health

But it is also very limited


At the same time

I saw a lot of foot bath medicine online

Found that there is a mistake

That is to use some oral prescriptions directly as foot-bath prescriptions

For example, when you see a prescription for regulating qi and resolving phlegm:

"Pinellia ternate, Zhuru, Fructus aurantii, orange peel, liquorice, tuckahoe"

This is really a good prescription

But, this is an oral medicine for warming gallbladder

It's not suitable for soaking feet

Because Pinellia ternate, licorice, tuckahoe and other herbs in the main medicine

It is mainly absorbed through the digestive tract

The effect of external use is not very good

It has little effect if it is used to soak feet


What kind of medicine is suitable for soaking feet?

In the Qing Dynasty, Wu Shiji's "Liyue Parallel Prose" recorded that:

"The circulation of qi and blood of the externally-treated person is to indirect supplement, not to direct supplement.

If you use the medicinal flavor in the ointment, you must have a strong smell to be effective. "

That is to say, external treatment depends on skin absorption,

We must also consider the problem of meridian channels

It needs to be treated with medicine with "strong smell"

Just know that

We won't make mistakes when we choose foot bath medicine


In addition to the well-known herbs such as ginger and mugwort

We also sorted out some suitable for soaking feet

Safflower: promote blood circulation and moisten dryness, relieve pain and swelling, and relieve menstruation

Angelica: replenish blood and promote blood circulation, regulate menstruation and relieve pain, moisten intestines and relieve constipation

Salvia miltiorrhiza: promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, relieve pain through menstruation, clear the heart and remove annoyance, cool blood and eliminate carbuncle

Chuanxiong: promote qi and open depression, remove wind, dryness and dampness, promote blood circulation and relieve pain

Duhuo: dispel wind, remove dampness, relieve arthralgia and relieve pain

Motherwort: promote blood circulation, regulate menstruation, diuresis and detumescence, clear heat and detoxify

Atractylodes lancea: dry and damp, invigorate the spleen, dispel wind and disperse cold, brighten the eyes

Huoxiang: dispel dampness and refresh the spleen, dispel filth and heat, release

You can choose these herbs according to your physical condition

Or as a reference for choosing foot bath medicine

There is a sentence in Chinese medicine that sums up very well

"Cold starts from the foot, and disease starts from the foot"

It is particularly important to keep feet healthy first

It is necessary to add some Chinese medicine when taking a foot bath

In addition to the added medicine

The way to soak feet is also very important

The wrong way to soak feet not only makes health care more effective

It may even be harmful to your health

At the last

Remember to follow us KASJ

Post time: Jan-29-2023